Category Archives: General

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Five aspects driving the future of ...

Key Take-aways and Learning

During the Middle East Banking Innovation Summit 2015, organized by Expotrade Global in Dubai on 14-15 Sep 2015, the speakers presented their views about different aspects of innovation, and how is banking industry taking the path of innovation. The question, How much/what kind of innovation is … more

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Freshers - Getting to your first ...

India is at a cusp of a unique phenomenon. On the one hand the number of students graduating from the mushrooming Technology & Engineering colleges is growing exponentially. On the other hand the quality of these budding ‘engineers’ is getting questioned all around. The vision of why one wants to … more


Keep the thread thin - An Email ...

This may sound silly to many of us but very often we tend to ignore this very basic aspect of our daily business or even personal emails. Email threads are identified by the subject line and then of course by the content therein. But over time the focus changes and … more


Big Data Analytics: The New Game-changer

“He who wants the pearls has to dive into the sea” ~ Kurdish Proverb

Information is exploding, growing exponentially with every passing day. It’s a complete onslaught of media, newer TV channels, and more radio stations, ever increasing social media sites, more and more apps demanding our attention. Add onto … more


Mobile ready websites are a must - ...

arroWebs has been advocating that the web must be mobile ready. As we see ourselves and people around, it doesn’t take long to realise that web is consumed more on handhelds than on desktop computers. But many businesses that build their sites are inclined to review and approve what they … more


Google is not liking Yahoo on Firefox!

Most users start looking for things on the internet at Google. That’s what we all believe in and we are in for a surprise. The recent update on Firefox browser has the default search engine pointing to Yahoo and not to Google. And this is seemingly happening only in Windows … more


Transfer iOS app to another account ...

Many situations necessitate transferring an app to a different account. Takeovers, Mergers or Handovers to name a few. It used to be a nightmare at one point but staring June 2013, Apple made it possible for developers to transfer the ownership of iOS apps. This news has brought with an … more


Internet Marketing - Infusionsoft - API

Internet Marketing has always been taking a different dimension with each passing phase. All the time the marketing minds keep coming up with various ways of pushing the limits to make the next sale better than previous one. Though there have been many competing products keep surfacing that plugs various … more


JSON Visual Parser

Here’s a cool tool that you can use to parse your JSON results for free



Solved Centos 5.8 Error in php.ini

You could be experiencing this after the cpanel upgrade and here’s how we got this addressed. This was throwing the crons out of gear as well. You need root access on SSH on the server.

[root@host]~ >> php blah.php PHP: Error parsing /usr/local/lib/php.ini on line 793

Open the file /usr/local/lib/php.ini… more


What motivates us? The surprising truth

Have you wondered what motivates us? Watch this video, it might certainly tell you the secret. Well, lot of us don’t believe this – which is why we’re a lot 🙂

But truly though, the purpose and the mastery seem to overtake a lot of other material concepts.
