Optimize landing page for conversion even with low traffic

How to Optimize Your Landing Page for Conversion When You Don’t Have Enough Traffic

So you have this great product, your mom loves it, your friends likes it, and hey, even a group of people you don’t know like it.

You’ve spread the word about it through social media, you’ve started a blog, and you create content regularly. You’ve even taken the steps to design a landing page to bring in more traffic and eventually more customers.

Now, what?

At this point, as you work to promote your business, you should be tweaking your landing page to generate more high-quality leads.

We hear you say…

“But I can’t optimize my landing page since I don’t have enough traffic to A/B test.”

While it’s true that you need traffic to test, it doesn’t mean you can’t still optimize your landing page or your campaign. Read on to find out how.

Analyzing Your Landing Page When You Have Low Traffic

If your page traffic is low, generating statistically conclusive results is overly complicated. Also, it takes a long time to gather valid data in your Google Analytics. Even though it might be frustrating, you can still collect data and analyze your page to come up with premises for conversion.

Here are some ideas:

Click Heat Maps

You don’t need A/B testing to be able to look over your prospects’ shoulder and understand their behavior. Click heat maps are a great conversion optimization tool that can tell you exactly where people are clicking on your website. They also analyze with great accuracy the scanning behavior and clicking behavior of your visitors.

Click heat maps can tell you whether visitors are finding your landing page unclear or if the position of your call-to-action buttons is the optimum one. For example, if your call-to-action is under the fold, but most of your visitors don’t scroll down, you might want to redesign your page.

However, you need to make sure you have a statistically valid sample data from which to draw your conclusions.

User Session Replays

You don’t need to have thousands of visitors a day to record user sessions. In fact, regardless of how much or how little traffic data you have, you can use tools like SessionCam or Clicktale to see how your visitors are interacting with your page.

Session replays are great tools for observing not just how visitors behave on your page, but for studying how they fill out forms too.

Qualitative Research

At the core, the purpose of your landing page is to convert visitors into leads and eventually into customers. Even if you don’t need enough traffic to run tests, you still need to figure out how to appeal to your visitor’s needs. One way to do it is through qualitative research. In other words, you need to actually speak with your customers to get to know them and their needs. Set questionnaires and ask your visitors to describe their experience with your page. Don’t ask generic questions like “on the scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with our services.” Instead, ask questions that offer you insights into their needs, shopping and user experiences and so on.

Test Everything Yourself

Does every button on your landing page work properly? Does your page load quickly? Does it work with every browser? If your answers are, “my developer tested everything”, you are probably losing customers and money. You need to test everything yourself and keep your eyes open for bugs, glitches or user experience problems.

While low traffic means you can’t run A/B tests, you have no excuse not to optimize your landing page. Next time you need to tweak your page, use these tips to gather valid data.

Happy Optimizing!